Where Next? | Farewell From The Class Of 2018

The time has come for the Class of 2018 to hang up our hats and say goodbye to the Digital Scot. As the end of second-semester approaches and we now turn our attention towards dissertation and projects. We’ve grown a little nostalgic looking back over what we’ve accomplished as a class so far.

Our Class Journey

We’ve had a blast putting the skills and theory we’ve learned over the course into practice during our time here. Meeting inspiring individuals from industry who gave up their time to speak to us about the reality of becoming a digital marketer. Working closely with our lecturers and fellow classmates who contributed a vast variety of knowledge and experience.

The running of the Digital Scot has been of great value to the class. In our time here we have also launched The Digital Scoop. It has provided us with a fantastic opportunity to work in an agency styled environment. To develop our communication skills through collaborating with different groups and to understand the pressures of agency life.

Farewell Class of 2018

Where Next?

With over 30 students in this year’s Digital Marketing course, it will be exciting to see where everyone will be in a few years down the line. Some of the students are already starting a new adventure:

Steven Graham-Smith

Steven Graham-Smith, Class of 2018

I’ve just recently moved to Edinburgh after securing a full-time job at Edinburgh College working within the student services department. I intend to continue my career within further/higher education. However, I have plans to work freelance with Belle (my wife, we have a blog together) and create our own digital agency. Focusing on social media and building a stronger online presence for businesses.”

Sarah Jones

Digital Marketing Student Sarah Jones

I am currently in the process of starting my own business which combines my passion for Interior Design and love of Digital Marketing. Over the next few months, I will be creating the digital aspects of the business using the valuable skills I have learned on the course. Exciting times ahead so watch this space...”


James Galbraith

James Galbraith

After this course, I plan on helping to grow a newly developed creative agency that I am involved with – Northern Light Creative. I am head of content strategy and production on most projects. My goal is to learn something new each day in this area and continue expanding my new found knowledge of digital marketing.


Jana Vorlickova

Jana Vorlickova

“I have secured a digital marketing job that starts in May in Edinburgh. After this, I will be volunteering for the RSPB in the North of Scotland in June. I am looking forward to working closely with the RSPB and traveling as much as possible before hopefully getting a more permanent job in the industry.”


Signing Off…

For now, it is a goodbye from us. Thank you for keeping us company on this journey. We want to wish the class of 2019 good luck and remind them to enjoy every moment.

Stay in touch and join the class of 2019 by signing up for our newsletter.

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