The MSc Digital Marketing course has now been running for 5 years! We have travelled from all over to study this course and all have a variety of undergraduate backgrounds. Check out the infographic below to learn about our backgrounds and what we have gone on to do since graduating.
This course has provided us with great opportunities for the future, allowing us to gain the knowledge and expertise required for a career within this field. Since graduation, many of us have landed fantastic jobs both within agencies and in-house with respectable companies such as QueryClick and Fifth Ring. S
How Did We Get Here?
All of us have had different journeys, with only 17 of us having previous marketing experience from our undergraduate courses. Other undergraduate courses we have come from include Multimedia and Management. One of us even joined the course from a music degree.
Where Are We From?
The majority of us come from the UK (69 of us to be exact). Whilst 18 of us come from other European countries like France and Greece. Some of us have even travelled as far as Thailand, Nigeria, Canada and Ghana!
So, who Have We Worked With During The MSc Digital Marketing course?
Throughout the 5 years of MSc Digital Marketing, we have worked with a total of 11 clients. This has given us the opportunity to complete digital marketing audits on their websites and social media networks. This would not have been possible without the help of the agencies we have worked with over the years! We are now looking forward to collaborating with more agencies in the future to continue providing marketing strategies to clients!
If you would like to get to more about us as individuals, check out our profiles. You can learn more about our individual journeys and why we chose to study this MSc!