DX Agency Life

Hello, Calum here, the Content Manager here at The Digital Scot, with this week’s rundown of what has been going on here at The Digital Scot HQ!

This week started off with an important presentation, updating our module lecturer on our analytical data, as well as progress with email marketing and social presence. We also delivered our content timeline detailing exactly what we had planned for when in the lead up to the end of semester and a potential end to our direct involvement with the site, before handing it over to the lecturers to maintain for the next cohort of students.

Fiona Present

The question of what will happen to the Digital Scot during the summer session is a burning one amongst our group just now. With our MSc projects and dissertations to work on, the question of time, availability and quality of content being produced is a major concern. As Content Manager, I believe that it’s my role to try and bridge this problem and I hopefully have an idea that could solve this, that I will present to the group next Tuesday in our meeting, but early indications are that it might just work out!

Our outreach team have been busy this week, making contact with the marketing department at RGU who have been sharing our website through social media as well as offering us advertising space on the screens located throughout the RGU’s campus. They also have managed to secure a previous client to come back to catch up with us and also be part of an interview about their experiences with our class.

It wasn’t all busy, busy, busy, this week, with such nice weather in Aberdeen this week, our Digital Director appreciates the importance of a good work and play balance and arranged a bit of team building down at the beach. We had some lunch, played some football and enjoyed the sun for a couple hours! Only one of us ended up wet though and that of course, was me!

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Back at work, we have finished our video that is going to appear in the ‘Who We Are’ page, it’s now been released and getting lots of shares on Social. Ideas are being developed on how the video interviews should be made and we are busy finalizing the content that’s going in the ‘Get involved’ pages.

I think that’s about it from me this week. Remember to like us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with all the goings on at The Digital Scot.

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