Simon Bell

Simon Bell

Where are you from?
Edinburgh – Scotland

What was your undergraduate degree?
Media (BA Hons) at Robert Gordon University

Why did you decide to study an MSc in Digital Marketing?
I decided to study an MSc in Digital Marketing because I wanted to refine the wide-set skills derived from my media undergraduate degree in such a progressive and ever-changing field. Digital Marketing stood out to me because it is a relatively new and innovative subject which touches upon areas I am already interested in such as website analytics and search engine optimisation.

What’s your favourite app or website, and why?
My favourite app/website would have to be the video-sharing platform, Vimeo. As a video producer myself, I appreciate the opportunity to effortlessly find new video creators and the work they produce at the click of a button. Also, with the option to follow, comment on and share users’ work, Vimeo has essentially created a social network intended solely for video creators and directors, which I think is pretty cool.

Tell us a Random fact about yourself!
I don’t like cricket.

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