The Digital Scot: DX Agency Update

After a well deserved relaxed week we are back to work in the agency following our Easter break. Returning refreshed and revived, we are stepping up the pace as we continue to expand The Digital Scot. It has been a fortnight since our soft launch and we are very happy with how the site has grown and been received, however there is always room for improvement and we are continuing to work hard to make The Digital Scot the best it can be.

In our last agency update Calum talked about our day filming and our Media Designer, Edwin, has been busy editing the video. This is in the final stages and we will be launching it on the site very soon so keep an eye out for it! Elsewhere in the agency Lukas has been carefully examining the analytics and reporting back to the class. Since the launch we have been viewed in all four corners of the world, with over 700 sessions and nearly 2,700 page views. The analytics has also been beneficial for the UX team as Gabriela and her team have been able to make fine adjustments to the site such as changing image sizes to reduce page load time to create a better user experience.

Our social strategy also remains important for the agency and our social following continues to grow. One aim of our social strategy is to engage with the online digital marketing community and Catherine & Fiona have been posting and tweeting throughout the week keeping followers updated with The Digital Scot and sharing other digital marketing content. This week we also engaged with the Content Marketing Institute Twitter Chat that focused on research and content marketing. Their chat provided some really good discussion points and the CMI agreed!

cmi twitter chat

Later in the week Helen and Rhona will be meeting with GoHawk, one of our previous clients, to get feedback on their involvement in the MSc Digital Marketing course. We have appreciated the time taken by our past clients to provide us with feedback and are even more pleased that their responses have been so positive. It is good to know that the hard work put in by all in the agency has been both relevant and beneficial to our clients. You can read a selection of our testimonials on the Get Involved page.

As you can see, every week is different at The Digital Scot and this is what makes it such an exciting project to be part of. Every one of us in the agency is being kept busy and helping each other out so that we produce the best site that we can. Together we are creating even more content for you to enjoy and to show why you should get involved with The Digital Scot.

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