Learning Digital Marketing at RGU

As a journalism graduate, I never doubted my creative ability, but always wished I could say the same of my digital skills. I learnt a trick or two from work experience. I even turned to online courses in an attempt to fill the digital gap in my training. But it wasn’t until I started learning digital marketing at RGU that I found solace.

learning digital marketing

Practice makes perfect

Practice is at the heart of RGU’s MSc Digital Marketing. We benefit from the insight and support of digital academics, practitioners and mentors. Learning is applied to real-life situations and often takes place in interactive workshops, a great introduction to agency life.

A fountain of knowledge

I have gained more insight into digital marketing on this course than I have in five years of work experience. Over the past two months, I have developed new skills to grasp search engine, social media, email and content marketing. I now have a digital toolbox, including Google Analytics, to help me monitor strategic success. I have a better understanding of web design and HTML coding. Gladly, I can now say that the MSc Digital Marketing has lifted the mystery over a multitude of acronyms. It is a lot to learn in two intensive days on campus but it leaves plenty of time for self-directed study. Industry-leading businesses, blogs and training providers fill my spare time.

Part artist, part scientist

This year the MSc Digital Marketing class is made up of 23 students. We may come from a variety of backgrounds and countries but we all aspire to become modern marketers, part artist and part scientist. We are learning that it takes both creativity and insightful analysis to launch successful digital campaigns.

Learning digital marketing is no mean feat but you can be safe in the knowledge that you will develop the skills to adapt to a fast-paced industry and start a rewarding career at the end of your journey at RGU.

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