Introducing the Class of 2017

What do an engineer, a former fishing champion and a drummer have in common?

They make up the Class of 2017, the third cohort of the Digital Marketing MSc at Robert Gordon University.

It’s been quiet here on the blog since the Class of 2016 bid their farewell last spring.  But that doesn’t mean we haven’t been working hard behind the scenes.  After weeks of course work and projects, learning new materials and working with WordPress, we launched our first blog post about learning digital marketing two weeks ago.  This week, get to know us better… we are the Class of 2017.

This year we are 23 students strong coming from across Scotland, France, Canada, Ireland, Greece, Ghana, Germany and Lithuania.  Our educational and career backgrounds are just as varied.  There are marketers, engineers, a journalist, a graphic designer, an event planner, and recent undergraduates.  Among all this talent and experience there are some really interesting individuals.  You’ll find a Girl Guide leader, someone who used to dress Mickey Mouse at Disney World, and another who likes to dip crisps in Coca-Cola.  Different reasons brought us here but we have the same goal: to graduate in 2017 with a Masters in Digital Marketing from Robert Gordon University.

You’ll read all this and more by visiting our profile pages.

Now stay tuned in the next few months for more updates and surprises from the Class of 2017.

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