North East Business Week 2017

March Conchar
MSc Digital Marketing Student Marc Conchar

As part of the North East Business Week 2017, Robert Gordon University’s MSc Digital Marketing students will be hosting a drop-in clinic for local businesses on Monday 24 April. Our purpose: offer up-to-date knowledge on digital marketing for SMEs in Aberdeen and the North East.

Time for a Digital Health Check

Do you struggle with SEO? What even is SEO? Do you have Google Analytics installed but no idea where to start dissecting the data? Is your website slow but you don’t know why? These are all common problems that we can help you with! We’d love to share some tips and tricks that could help your business move forward with confidence.

The student class of 2017 have put together a Digital Health Check utilising the latest tools available to give your business a rating alongside workable recommendations. We’ll be providing detailed insight into how your website is performing and how your social channels complement your marketing efforts. Does this sound like something that could benefit your business?

Sign up!

If you’d like some help and advice from our team of MSc Digital Marketing students, please get in touch by filling in our application form here. Each business will be allocated a 30-minute slot at RGU and ideally you’ll provide your Google Analytics details in advance.

Each year, Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce create a week of events for the local business community. The theme this year: ‘Opportunity Driving Growth’. There will be numerous events dotted around the city with RGU hosting a Digital Health Check. Click here for the full programme of events.

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