Key Digital Marketing Resources


You’ve looked for a course, you chose the University and City; you’ve finally made the decision to enrol for Higher Education (at RGU for “Digital Marketing” no doubt!).

Day 1: Introduction and key textbooks, right? After all, how are you going to survive the academic year and your course modules without a textbook to guide you through lengthy coursework, exam preparation and all the sleepless nights?

Well, here’s the thing; you can’t rely on a textbook to carry you through on this one. Forget what you’ve learnt during your other degree and forget visiting Amazon to begin building your very own library at home (I certainly had to do this when I studied HR). During this course you will find out how fast paced and volatile Digital Marketing can be.

Sure, there is a textbook (or 2 maybe), and they are both valuable and stuffed with insightful material but the problem is they come in printed form. This simply means they can’t be 100% up to date and can’t offer you fresh content on a monthly, weekly or daily basis.


So What is the solution and what are the Key Digital Marketing Resources to Use?

The solution is to turn to credible Digital Marketing blogs! You will be able to find expert opinions and insights by visiting The “Moz” or “Econsultancy” blog for example. Both of these blogs are rich in content on current topics and can educate you on SEO, Content Marketing, Increasing Engagement, Analytics, Improving Display Ads and the list goes on and on and on!

Digital learning using expert blogs

The content is updated on an almost daily basis (so is fresh!) and can be used to make real improvements to your Digital presence or as an educational tool so that you stay competitive and up-to-date but also current; could you ask for more? Information is provided in an eye catching, easy to follow format,making use of good visuals like videos to engage the user but are also available as a transcript if you want a quick scan through.

So now you know about two key Digital Marketing Resources – and there’s no excuse, so get reading to stay on top of the Digital Marketing world!

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