Efia Sulter

Efia Sulter

Where are you from?
The Scottish Borders

What was your undergraduate degree?
Media (BA Hons) at Robert Gordon University

Why did you decide to study an MSc in Digital Marketing?
Having touched upon areas of digital marketing in my first degree I have subsequently developed an interest in all things digital and this has extended in to both my personal and working life. The inception of my lifestyle blog (effytalkslife.com) back in August 2012 provided me with an outlet that allowed me to express myself creatively. The creation of my blog has given me an invaluable insight into marketing my own brand using social media, and has additionally granted me a unique opportunity to build great relationships through collaborations with fellow bloggers and PR companies. I decided to pursue the MSc Digital Marketing course to bridge existing gaps in my knowledge, develop new skills and ultimately to facilitate turning my passion into my career.

What’s your favourite app or website, and why?
My favourite app is zoom.us – a video conferencing software that can be used on multiple platforms. I regularly use it for participating in, and conducting, training activities and I love that it has the ability to keep people connected.

Tell us a Random fact about yourself!
Last summer after completing a marketing internship with a San Diego based technology innovation company I skydived from 13,000 feet with two of my colleagues to raise money for charity. It is the single most exciting and terrifying thing I have ever done.


Efia Sulter