Catherine Ozon

Where are you from?
I have spent a quarter of my professional life abroad (Norway, BENELUX, Indonesia, Qatar and UK…) but I am well and truly French.

What was your undergraduate degree?
MSc – Sales and Marketing -Groupe Ecole supérieure de Commerce de Dijon-Bourgogne – France

Why did you decide to study an MSc in Digital Marketing?

Obviously something has changed and marketers have to offer services, positive customer experience on the internet, instead of “simple” products!

It was time to refresh my knowledge and consolidate a few things about the Digital World so I can help my clients analyse their digital presence and build up a successful Digital Marketing Strategy.

What’s your favourite app or website, and why?

LinkedIn- Because they were there at the beginning and kept their initial goal : be professional and offer collective added value. They make me like B2B.

Tell us a Random fact about yourself!
I am a chocolate addicted ballet dancer.


Catherine OZON