Farewell from Digital Scot class of 2016

The weekend of glorious sunshine spells the beginning of the Summer months, and for most of us, it’s time to stock up on suncream and disposable BBQs. However, for those of us here at Digital Scot, it merely spells the end of the second semester and the beginning of the third, which will see us ease up on our blogging efforts to focus on our all-important dissertations while the rest of you are out enjoying the sun!

It’s been a fantastic semester for all of us here at Digital Scot. We have learnt a lot of practical digital skills and also how to work in a real agency environment, and we can’t wait to apply our new-found talent out in the field!

Digital Scot 2016


On behalf of everyone here at Digital Scot, we’d like to wish you a wonderful Summer, and hope you will return to check out our blog when the class of 2017 take over the show in September this year.

All the best!

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